FREE 20-Min. Coaching Session
In this 20--minute coaching session you will leave with:
1.  A new awareness of what is causing the many challenges of your business or life (and they may not be what you think they are.)
2.  A renewed sense of energy and clarity about turning your challenges around.

          In your 2nd coaching session, you will leave with...

3.  Written positive outcomes for your goals 

4.  A “Next Step Action Plan” for moving into the next phase of growth and profitability.  

Yes, Sign Me Up!  
I would like a FREE Introductory 
Coaching Session! 


Kathy Gilmore
Phila. Pa.  19128

All rights reserved by 
reallife coaching, llc, 
"I would love to offer you a complimentary coaching session to discuss your goals, challenges, and coaching needs." 

        Kathy Gilmore
Business & Life Coach

email me
I help clients with an array of life, business and career situations. 

  • Business Coaching
  • Personal Life Coaching
  • Real Estate Investing Coaching

 My Areas of Coaching
     From Kathy...
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